An Interview with Suparna Kapoor, L&D Leader, Consultant, Happiness Coach, and Chevening CRISP Fellow, University of Oxford, 2022

John Hoffmire: I sometimes struggle with the notion of a “thought [...]

2023-12-13T12:59:30+00:00By |CSV India|

An interview with Tushar Vyas, President of Growth and Transformation for GroupM South Asia

John Hoffmire: I find it fascinating that you have been [...]

2022-01-04T22:09:19+00:00By |CSV India|

An interview with Vinita Srivastava, Executive Director (Heritage) at Railway Board

John Hoffmire:  You’ve had an interesting career that spans mechanical engineering, [...]

2021-10-01T14:59:03+00:00By |CSV India|
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